Saturday, April 14, 2007

After anchoring in Thoroughfare Creek last night, we hauled anchor and cruised up the ICW to Myrtle Beach, SC today. Kathy read in a travel book she has that the population of Myrtle Beach goes from 23,000 year around residents to 450,000 people in the summer season! There are certainly loads of unoccupied condos at out marina, which is really a large "Dockominium" called the Myrtle Beach Yacht Club. It looks to me like there are also loads of new, unsold condos at this same location.

The ICW here mostly runs along the Waccamaw River, which is a very pretty stretch of river. When I was taking this picture, Kathy saw an Osprey land on its nest on the green channel marker, so I knew to watch with my camera when we got there.

When we got there, the osprey flew around the nest and landed agoin, and her's the picture of it landing. I thought it was one osprey with chicks, but when I blow up the picture, I can see it's two adults.

The weather forecast is for high winds and lots of thunderstorms and rain, so we're tucked in to the Myrtle Beach Yacht Club. We got a rental car so we can drive to the Brookgreen Gardens, which is supposed to be a really excellent sculpture garden. It's mostly outdooors, so we may need to wait until Monday afternoon after the storms have passed.

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