Monday, January 29, 2007

Ugh....just wind and waves.
We came out and moored in the Key West mooring field Saturday, which was fine. Then, on Sunday, the wind picked up to 25-30 MPH and a cold front came through. They call 65 degrees cold down here. Taking the dinghy in to the dinghy dock on Sunday was a wet and bouncy ride. By this morning, winds were down to 20 MPH and waves a little smaller so we didn't get wet this morning, but it's still a lot of wallowing around in the dinghy. The 2 to 3 ft. waves don't look like much from Nonchalance, but when you get into a 12 ft. dinghy and sit 12 inches above the water, they're a lot bigger.

We may just stay onboard today instead of a longer dinghy ride into downtown Key West. Oh, well....not every day can be fun and warm. That's why it's an adventure, not a vacation. Kathy baked sugar cookies yesterday, and they're great when you spread hot fudge sauce on them. Today, she's starting a needlepoint, seashell design, pillowcase cover with for the sofa in the salon.

Tomorrow we'll probably leave Key West and start cruising up the Keys towards Key Largo and Miami. Since we came to the Keys direct from the southern tip of Florida to Marathon in the middle Keys, we have never cruised the upper keys. Over the next 2 weeks, we'll probably stop at Newfound Harbor, Marathon, Lignum Vitae, Shell Key, Key Largo and John Penekamp coral reef and state park and then Biscayne Bay and Miami.

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