Sunday, January 28, 2007

New views from Nonchalance.

We moved to the Key West mooring field to try it for a few days since it's only $15 per day. This is the view from our bow today. The low land forward is Fleming Key, which is all restricted land for naval operations. There are big signs about no entry, etc. ,but a home made boat full of Cuban refugees just landed there, undetected, 2 nights ago and the U.S. commander woke up to find 15 Cuban migrants sitting in his yard near the hedges. The island is also used for U.S. Coast Guard operations.
This is the view of the rest of the mooring field. All the mooring balls are over 100 ft. apart and can handle large boats, but we're about the largest boat here. We have to dinghy in to town and with Daisy 3 or 4 times every day, but they have a nice dinghy dock.
Daisy got a haircut 2 days ago in Key West and lost about 3 inches of fur. She has lost her excess weight too, so she's looking very svelt. When she's in her grown out fur stage, we've had kids in Lincoln Park say "Mom., she looks like a bear!" and they're right. Now, at least, she looks like a dog.

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